Marbella Weather

Urgent Yellow Alert: Beware of Storms this Palm Sunday in Marbella – A Must-See!

March 24, 2024
Urgent Yellow Alert: Beware of Storms this Palm Sunday in Marbella - A Must-See! - mini1 1711276687 - Weather -

Weather Forecast Complicates Palm Sunday in Marbella

The weather forecast for Palm Sunday in Marbella has become complicated as the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has issued a yellow alert for storms in the Western Costa del Sol. Strong gusts of wind are also expected. This situation greatly complicates the Easter processions, with decisions pending from the brotherhoods.

AEMET Extends Warnings for Southern Andalusia

AEMET has extended the warnings it had planned for this Sunday, which particularly affect the south of Andalusia. In Marbella and the rest of the Western Costa del Sol, the yellow alert for storms will be activated between 5:00 PM and midnight. According to this information, the most significant phenomenon will be very strong convective wind gusts.

Risk of Rain Increases in Marbella

In addition, the risk of rain increases throughout the afternoon in Marbella, which could affect the Pollinica procession. The decision of the brotherhood regarding a parade scheduled for 5:00 PM is awaited.

Weather to Mark Easter Celebrations

The forecast predicts rain in the municipality throughout Holy Week, meaning this religious celebration will be marked by the weather.

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