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“Unmissable Event: Marbella Hosts Thrilling Aquatic Rescue Simulation at its Renowned Sports Port!”

April 20, 2024
"Unmissable Event: Marbella Hosts Thrilling Aquatic Rescue Simulation at its Renowned Sports Port!" - mini1 1713376312 - Local Events and Festivities -

Emergency Services Conduct Water Rescue Simulation at Virgen del Carmen Marina

Foam was used to contain the flammability of the spill caused by the simulated accident. On Wednesday, around thirty emergency service personnel participated in a water rescue drill at the Virgen del Carmen Marina. This exercise is designed to measure response capabilities and is a requirement for obtaining the “Q” quality distinction.

Media Witnesses the Simulation Exercise

The drill took place mid-morning at the marina, near the gas station, and was covered by the media. Participants included 6 local police officers, 6 national police officers, 8 civil protection volunteers with a boat and a jet ski, 6 crew members, 7 firefighters with two trucks, 3 lifeguards, two additional jet skis, and marina staff.

Simulated Accident Scenario

The scenario simulated a recreational boat leaving the marina and colliding with the breakwater at El Faro beach due to heavy swells. The incident would have resulted in three victims: two injured on the surface, rescued by Civil Protection and the salvage company, and another submerged, who was rescued by the Fire Department’s Underwater Unit.

Chemical and Biological Risk Response

Following the collision, the boat returned to the port and the spill control protocol was activated by the Fire Department’s NRQB Unit, recently created to respond to chemical or biological risks, as the boat began to leak diesel fuel. In addition, anti-spill barriers were installed and foam was applied to contain the flammability of the product in the vicinity.

Successful Coordination of Emergency Services

As is often the case in such situations, the city council has described the drill as a “success” and an example of coordination.

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