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Marbella Concludes Holy Week with a Spectacular Indoor Event Featuring the Resurrected Christ!

April 5, 2024
Marbella Concludes Holy Week with a Spectacular Indoor Event Featuring the Resurrected Christ! - mini1 1711893672 - Local Events and Festivities -

Resurrected Christ and Virgin of Victory Featured in Church of the Incarnation

The Virgin of Victory and the Resurrected Christ were the main attractions this Sunday at an event held inside the Church of the Incarnation. This comes after the last procession of Marbella’s Holy Week was cancelled the previous day due to rain forecasts. Despite the continuous rain outside, which has been the prevailing condition for the past seven days, the event was held successfully.

Marbella Concludes an Intimate Holy Week

Marbella concluded its Easter Sunday, marking the end of a more intimate Holy Week than usual. The week was characterized by rainfall and the cancellation of street processions. Many indoor events had to be organized, including the one held this morning with the Resurrected Christ and the Virgin of Victory at the Church of the Incarnation.

Various Acts Performed After the 10:00 AM Mass

Following the 10:00 AM mass, various acts were performed inside the church. The new heart of the Virgin of Victory, an image that belongs to the Brotherhood Association of Marbella, was blessed. Subsequently, General Contreras of the Civil Guard placed a tricorn hat on it. Then, the ribbon of the Virgin of Carmen was placed on it in a symbolic act that has been repeated throughout the week in honor of the Jubilee Year and the Canonical Coronation. The religious celebration concluded with the rocking of the thrones. However, Saint John the Evangelist was notably absent.

Only Three Processions Held During Rainy Holy Week 2024 in Marbella

The Holy Week 2024 in Marbella, which was unusually rainy, has come to an end. Out of the eleven processions that were scheduled, only three, from two brotherhoods, were able to proceed normally. The Virgin of Sorrow procession took place on Saturday for the first time as a brotherhood, and the Christ of the Column also completed its itinerary on Monday. The last parade was on Holy Thursday, with the Christ of the True Cross in the streets. The processions of the Pollinica, Captive and Saint Martha, Calvary, Christ of Love, Lying (which made a transfer), Solitude and Resurrected were cancelled. The Nazarene decided to go out on Holy Wednesday, but had to return immediately due to the rain.

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