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Unprecedented Surge in Marbella Shootings Sparks Intense Police Crackdown: Is Your Neighborhood Next?

April 12, 2024
Unprecedented Surge in Marbella Shootings Sparks Intense Police Crackdown: Is Your Neighborhood Next? - tiroteopantallazo RzUNCrlL36ave7 U42653725105owY - Crime -

‘Plan Marbella’: A National Police Initiative to Curb Rising Crime

The National Police have initiated a new operation, ‘Plan Marbella’, in response to a surge in shooting incidents over the past two months. This plan will involve officers from various stations across eastern Andalucía, along with police dogs and aerial support, being deployed to Marbella for additional patrols and reinforcement.

Increased Police Presence and Random Checks

The operation will see a heightened police presence in uniform on the streets of Marbella until October. The provincial police station has announced that there will be increased controls on vehicles and individuals, with random checks being conducted at varying times and locations to maximize the element of surprise.

Extra Patrols in Crowded and Residential Areas

Additional police will be stationed in areas with large crowds, particularly in shopping and leisure zones. However, patrols will also be established in housing estates and residential complexes to deter potential burglaries.

Collaboration with Local Police and Commanders

The heads of the provincial police and Marbella police, along with the commanders who will execute the plan, have collaborated on this initiative. The plan includes specific operational strategies designed to reduce crime during the town’s busiest season, including thefts of luxury watches.

Aim to Minimize Impact of Crime on Public and Tourism

The police station has emphasized that the goal of ‘Plan Marbella’ is to lessen the effects of both common and organized crime on the public and the tourism industry. Despite no fatalities, there have been at least five shooting incidents in Marbella in just over a month. The plan will be implemented in partnership with the Marbella Local Police.

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