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First European Baby Born Through INVOcell Technique to Lesbian Couple
In a groundbreaking event, a lesbian couple from Spain has become the first in Europe to give birth to a baby they both carried. The baby, named Derek, was born in the Hospital Juaneda Miramar de Mallorca on October 30, weighing 3.3kg. This marks the first time the INVOcell technique, which allows two women to carry a baby, has been used in Europe.
Mothers and Doctors Behind the ‘Miracle Baby’
The proud mothers, Azahara, 27, and Estefania, 30, collaborated with doctors Gustavo Carti and Miriam Mateos from Juaneda Fertility to become mothers. The technique, also known as ‘reciprocal effortless IVF’, begins like traditional IVF, with egg production and retrieval from the mothers.
How the INVOcell Technique Works
The egg is then combined with donor sperm and transferred to a device known as an ‘invocell’. This device is placed inside one of the mother’s bodies, below the cervix, to allow for fertilization. The embryos are subsequently removed and frozen until the other mother is ready to carry the baby through hormone injections. The second mother carries the embryo in her uterus for the next nine months and ultimately gives birth to the baby.
The Journey of Azahara and Estefania
For Azahara and Estefania, the process began in March this year, when Estefania hosted the egg fertilization. Azahara then carried Derek for nine months, giving birth to a healthy baby boy on Monday. They expressed their joy, stating that thanks to this technique, they can both say they carried their baby, making the experience truly special.
INVOcell Technology: A Brief History
The INVOcell technology was first used in Texas in 2018, allowing lesbian couple Bliss and Ashleigh Coulter to carry their son, Stetson.