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Free Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients Offered by FIV Ochoa this February – Don’t Miss Out!

February 29, 2024
Free Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients Offered by FIV Ochoa this February - Don't Miss Out! - mini1 1706657362 - Health and Safety - FIV Ochoa

FIV Ochoa: Assisted Reproduction Unit of Hospital Ochoa

FIV Ochoa is the assisted reproduction unit of Hospital Ochoa. Once again, FIV Ochoa, the assisted reproduction unit of Hospital Ochoa in Marbella, is offering free fertility preservation to cancer patients during the month of February. This includes the freezing of eggs and sperm so that they can be used once the patients have overcome their illness.

Preserving Fertility: A Safety Net for Young Cancer Patients

The freezing of eggs or sperm before starting cancer treatment becomes a safety net for young patients who wish to start a family after overcoming the disease. According to Luis García, a gynecologist at FIV Ochoa, the most common cancers among young people are hematological and breast cancer. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in these cases can damage the gonads, so it is advisable for patients to cryopreserve their eggs and sperm before starting treatments so they can use them when they decide to start a family.

Self-Donation of Eggs: A 70% Pregnancy Rate

Self-donation of eggs guarantees a pregnancy rate of 70%. Thus, once the oncological treatment is finished, patients could receive a “self-donation” that guarantees a pregnancy rate of 70% in those women who have frozen between 10 and 15 eggs before facing cancer. Men can preserve their genetic material immediately, while women require a period of between 10 and 12 days to proceed with stimulation through medication.

Free Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients Offered by FIV Ochoa this February - Don't Miss Out! - hospital ochoa - Health and Safety - FIV Ochoa
FIV Ochoa

Delay in Fertility Preservation Does Not Affect Cancer Treatment Outcome

According to Juan Manuel Marín, a gynecologist at FIV Ochoa, the delay of these days will not affect the final result of the oncological treatment. Therefore, he considers it essential to insist on informing patients before starting chemotherapy or radiotherapy about the appropriateness of proceeding to preserve their fertility.

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