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Cash Shower on Spain’s A7! Marbella Motorway Awash with €20,000 in €50 Notes!

December 31, 2023
Cash Shower on Spain's A7! Marbella Motorway Awash with €20,000 in €50 Notes! - money g0b909d9c9 1920 - Marbella News Crime -

Unexpected Cash Shower on A-7 Dual Carriageway in Marbella

In an unusual event, motorists on the A-7 dual carriageway passing through Marbella in Malaga were taken aback when they found the road strewn with €50 notes. A bag filled with €20,000 in €50 notes reportedly burst open, scattering the A7 in Marbella on Monday morning, January 30, just before 11:30am.

Minor Traffic Accident Leads to Rain of Banknotes

As per the local police, the unexpected shower of banknotes happened shortly after a minor traffic accident on the A7 motorway in the Cadiz direction, near the La Cañada shopping centre in Marbella. It appears that two Arab nationals were in the crashed vehicle and were carrying a bag full of cash. The collision caused the bag to fly out of the window, littering the road in a scene more reminiscent of a movie than a typical Monday morning commute.

Money Rain Causes Major Traffic Jam

The sudden downpour of money led to a significant traffic jam as commuters halted their vehicles to collect the cash. The exact amount of money lost is still unknown.

Regulations on Cash Carrying in Spain

The maximum amount of cash that a person can carry within Spanish territory is regulated by Law, 10/2010 of April 28, which is aimed at preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism in Spain. The limit is set at €100,000 within Spanish territory, and it is reduced to 10,000 euros when leaving or entering the country.

Related Incidents

In related news, €140,000 in cash was found in the spare wheel of a stolen car in Spain’s Mijas. In another incident, a fugitive wanted for a sexual crime was found using a Malaga hostel as a hideout.

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